Buy electric bikes and Electric Scooters for kids: Nowadays, seeing young children driving bikes, scooters and cars, they also demand scooters, bikes and cars for themselves. In such a situation, many times children become adamant for bikes and scooters and it becomes difficult to convince them at this time.

If you are also troubled by the stubbornness of your children. So now you do not need to worry. Because the toy companies of the country have launched electric bikes and scooter toys in the market for children aged 5 to 7 years. By buying them you can fulfill the stubbornness of your children. Let’s know about electric scooters and bikes…

How to buy electric scooters and bikes –

If you want to buy an electric scooter or bike for children. So you can get an electric scooter at a toy store in your city. If not, then you can choose an electric scooter and bike by visiting the website On this website you will find many options of children’s toys.

Features and price of electric scooter

The electric scooter available on the website is available in 4 colors. In which you will get pink, red, blue and white colors. If we talk about the price, then the price of these electric scooters is only Rs 9,877. The company has given a 390×2 watt motor in this scooter.

Which takes power from a 12v battery. Children can drive this electric scooter at 3 speeds in self and remote mode. At the same time, this electric scooter has also been given the option of brake, LED head light, back and forward for safety.

Along with this, the company has also provided the facility of MP3 music. For which you will have to install a pendrive.

Features and price of electric bike- The electric bike available on the website is available in 3 colors. In which you will easily get blue, red and white colors.

Talking about its price, the price of the electric bike is Rs 12,267. At the same time, this bike will get two motors of 390 watts which will take power from two batteries of 4.5Ah. Children can drive this bike at 3 speeds in self and remote mode. For the balance of the electric bike, 2 balancing wheels have also been provided in it. For safety, brake, LED head light, back and forward option has also been provided in this electric bike.

Along with this, the company has also provided the facility of MP3 music. For which you will have to install a pendrive.