Royal Enfield is a household name in the Indian two-wheeler market for years after years. The sound of the engine, tank-like build quality, and bold onroad look of the bike are still throbbing in people’s hearts till now. ‘Royal Enfield Bullet’ is a part emotion for many of us. In keeping with the era, every car and bike manufacturing company modified their products; Royal Enfield was not an exception. Royal Enfield bikes crossed a long to keep their market holdings tight till today. But do you know how much it costs a Royal Enfield Bullet back in 1986? Let’s find out.

The look of the Royal Bullet is really spectacular, which people feel proud to drive. But these days the new incarnation of the bullet is being discussed. The company is going to bring this bike once again with new features. in 1986, the price of a Royal Enfield will amaze you. Its bill is becoming quite viral on social media. In this picture, the look of the 80s Royal Enfield Bullet 350 can also be seen, as well as its price has also been revealed.

The bill from 1986-

The bill of Royal Enfield Bullet 350 bought in 1986 is becoming quite viral on social media, which everyone is surprised to see. In this, the on-road price of the bike is stated to be just Rs 18,700. This bill is of the year 1986.

This bill was made viral by Sandeep Auto Company of Jharkhand. Very few people would know that in 1986, the Royal Enfield Bullet was known only as “Enfield Bullet”. Even at that time, this bullet was known for its strong quality and great look.