Driving Safety : Nowadays, car is not just a hobby, it has become a necessity. Car is the easiest means to go from home to office, emergency or anywhere. But imagine, what if the brakes suddenly fail in a moving car? Heart stops beating, right? But don’t panic! Today we will tell you how to save your life in case of brake failure. These 5 tips can become your life saver!
Brake failure? Don’t panic, do this quickly!
Brake failure is a scary dream, but if you work with a calm mind, then the danger can be averted. The most important thing is not to panic. If you panic, you will not be able to do anything. So first of all…
Stay calm, work with courage: This is the first and most important step. Don’t panic, think and take action.
Use hand brake: This is why hand brakes are provided in the car. Apply hand brake slowly, not suddenly, otherwise the car can overturn. This is your first and best option.
Have a manual car? Gear down!: If your car is manual, then bring down the gear slowly. As the gear goes down, the speed of the car will also go down. This is another way to control the speed.
This is also important!
Not just brakes and gears, do these things immediately:
Turn on emergency lights: Immediately turn on the emergency lights (indicators) of the car. This will let people coming from behind know that something is wrong with your car and they will become alert.
Leave the accelerator: Remove your foot from the accelerator. The speed will start reducing automatically.
Press the brake pedal repeatedly: Even if the brakes have failed, keep pressing the brake pedal repeatedly. Sometimes a little brake is applied, and that can help you.
Parking brake – the last resort: If all the above methods fail, then use the parking brake. But apply it very slowly and without jerks, otherwise the car can go out of control. This is your last resort.
Do these tips really work? Fact Check:
These tips are given by auto experts and driving instructors and can save your life in an emergency situation. Hand brake, gearing down and turning on emergency lights – these are all correct ways to control the vehicle. But, the most important thing is practice and a calm mind. It is not enough to understand these tips once, it is also necessary to practice to use them correctly in an emergency.