Electric Scooter Mileage Boost : Electric scooters have become everyone’s choice these days. Freedom from petrol expenses and good mileage, this is what you want! But is your electric scooter also giving low mileage? Don’t worry! Today we will tell you 5 such secret tips, with which you can increase the mileage of your electric scooter instantly. Then the tension of range will disappear forever! Want to know those secret tips? So read on!

5 secret tips to increase mileage:

Battery care: The heart of an electric scooter is the battery. If you do not take care of the battery, how will you get mileage? Therefore, battery care is most important. Always keep the battery at the right temperature, do not park in a very hot or very cold place. And also protect the battery from falling or shock.

Maintain speed: Speed ​​has a direct connection with mileage. If you drive your scooter very fast, increase and decrease the speed again and again, then the battery will drain quickly and the mileage will decrease. Therefore, always drive the scooter at a speed. Smooth riding will save the battery and also increase the mileage.

Don’t keep the scooter running unnecessarily: If you are standing at a traffic signal or anywhere without any reason, then turn off the scooter. Why waste the battery unnecessarily? By turning off the scooter, the battery will be saved and the same saved battery will give you extra mileage. This small habit can make a big difference in the mileage.

Charge at the right time: Don’t wait for the battery to discharge. As soon as the battery is low, put it on charging immediately. And yes, always charge the battery in the way prescribed by the experts. Overcharging or undercharging, both are harmful for the battery. Charging at the right time and in the right way will keep the battery healthy and also give good mileage.

Pay attention to weight and tyre pressure: Never cross the weight limit given by the company for your scooter. And always keep the air pressure in the tyres correct. If the tyre pressure is low or there is more weight on the scooter, then there will be more stress on the engine, the battery will be spent more and the mileage will decrease. Therefore, always maintain the weight and tire pressure.

Why are electric scooters everyone’s favorite?

Nowadays people are troubled by the inflation of petrol, so electric scooters and bikes are being liked by people a lot. Electric scooters not only save the cost of petrol, but they are also very comfortable to drive. Moreover, now companies are also launching new models one after the other, which are getting great range and features. Therefore, electric scooters have become the need of the hour.

So these were 5 secret tips to increase the mileage of electric scooters. By following these tips, you can increase the mileage of your scooter and remove the tension of range. Isn’t it amazing?