India Car Buyers Guide : There is a lot of buzz in the Indian car market these days! Every company is launching petrol, diesel, CNG, ethanol and electric vehicles. On top of that, big companies like Tata Motors and Maruti Suzuki have been ruling for years. But the real confusion comes when you have to choose between petrol and diesel! You don’t understand which car will be best according to your pocket and need, right? So let’s end this tension today and see which car will be right for you.
Which car is suitable for whom?
Look, car experts believe that the car should be according to your need. Some people drive only 40-50 kilometers daily, but there are some who drive the car for 100-200 kilometers. If you drive around 50-60 kilometers daily, then a petrol car will be perfect for you. But if your driving is more than this, then buying a car with a diesel engine can be a profitable deal. Why? Because diesel vehicles give more mileage than petrol vehicles and you will also save money!
Money Matter
Now talking about the price, nowadays there is not much difference in the price of petrol and diesel vehicles. Yes, diesel vehicles are a bit expensive in some models, but they also give more mileage than petrol vehicles!
Benefits Matter
To tell the truth, even today diesel vehicles give about 4-5 km per liter more mileage than petrol vehicles. But also remember that the maintenance of diesel vehicles is a bit expensive and they also need more care. And one important thing, the life of diesel vehicles is a bit less than petrol vehicles, about 5 years.
What is the real bottom line?
So what did you understand in the end? If you want to drive less, then petrol is best. If you want to drive more and want mileage, then diesel is fine. But also take care of maintenance and life! Take a decision only after looking at your need and budget, did you understand?