In preparation for its comeback in the electric two-wheeler segment in India, LML has revealed the key features and performance details of its upcoming electric scooter ‘Star’. This scooter was first showcased at the Auto Expo held in 2023. This Star will be the first of three new electric scooters from LML, which will be launched in the coming days. Let’s know its details in detail.

203 km range

Talking about the key specifications of LML Star, this scooter offers a great range of 203 km on a single charge, which is the highest in the Indian electric scooter segment.

Battery and Power

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LML’s electric scooter Star will get two removable battery packs. However, the exact capacity of the battery has not been revealed yet.

Motor and Top Speed

The LML electric scooter will have an electric motor that generates a maximum power of 7.8 bhp. It will offer a top speed of 90 km/h.

Design and Features

It will have the latest technology with a futuristic look. The design of LML Star is futuristic, with a dual-tone body color of black and white and red accents. It includes LED DRL and projector headlights.


Talking about the features, it will have safety features like a digital display, wireless charger, tire pressure monitoring system, hill hold assist, reverse mode, and ABS. This scooter will run on 14-inch wheels, due to which its grip and balancing will be excellent.

Contribution of designers of global brands

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Designers of global brands like Ducati, Ferrari, Yamaha, and Kawasaki have contributed to the design of LML Star. Apart from this, LML has also obtained the Central Motor Vehicles Rules (CMVR) certificate for this scooter. This certificate shows that this scooter meets the quality and safety standards set by the government.

Who will it compete with

In the Indian market, the LML Star will compete with popular electric scooters like Ola S1 Pro, Ather 450X, TVS iQube, and Chetak Electric.

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