Expanding its EV portfolio, India’s leading automobile company Mahindra launched two new models on Tuesday. The company introduced the BE 6e and XEV 9e at a launch event in Chennai. However, it will take some time for these new models to hit the market. The company has stated that deliveries for the BE 6e and XEV 9e will begin in February-March next year. The starting ex-showroom price of the BE 6e will be Rs 18.9 lakh, while the starting ex-showroom price of the XEV 9e will be Rs 21.9 lakh.
XEV 9e Launched with SUV-Coupe Design
This new lineup, launched on the ‘INGLO’ platform, marks a significant shift in Mahindra’s electric mobility strategy. Both the BE 6e and XEV 9e use the ‘INGLO’ platform, a flat-floor skateboard design. This design eliminates the central tunnel, increasing cabin space. It also integrates high-density battery technology to optimize efficiency and range. In line with current trends, Mahindra has introduced the XEV 9e with an SUV-coupe design, featuring aerodynamic wheels.
Range of Mahindra’s Electric Cars on a Single Charge
Mahindra & Mahindra Executive Director Rajesh Jejurikar mentioned that the prices for other variants of these two models will be announced later. According to Mahindra, the BE 6e will offer a range of 682 km on a single charge, while the XEV 9e will cover 656 km on a single charge. Currently, the XUV 400 is the only electric vehicle from Mahindra on the roads.
Innovation meets its peak!
Powered by Snapdragon Digital Cockpit, @mahindraesuvs BE 6e and XEV 9e are setting the stage for a new era of electrifying performance.
Ready to be amazed? Tune in! 🚗 pic.twitter.com/oRzeK7PmiJ— Snapdragon India (@Snapdragon_IN) November 27, 2024
Company’s Investment in Electric Vehicle Business
Mahindra & Mahindra, globally renowned for its powerful SUVs, has committed to investing over Rs 12,000 crore in its electric vehicle business. The company is establishing a new manufacturing line for electric vehicles at its Chakan plant, which will have an annual capacity of 1.2 lakh units.
The future of electric mobility is here!
Mahindra is set to unveil two revolutionary brands—XEV and BE—on our Electric Origin INGLO platform at the Unlimit India World Premiere on Nov 26 in Chennai.
Get ready to meet the flagship XEV 9e and BE 6e!
Know more:… pic.twitter.com/8OotSWvvaG
— Mahindra Group (@MahindraRise) November 4, 2024
XEV 9e and BE 6e Features and Expected Price at a Glance
XEV 9e Features:
- Design: SUV coupe with aerodynamic wheels
- Platform: Built on the ‘INGLO’ platform, offering flat-floor design for enhanced cabin space
- Battery: High-density battery technology for better efficiency and range
- Range: 656 km on a single charge
- Expected Price: Starting at Rs 21.9 lakh (ex-showroom)
BE 6e Features:
- Design: Sleek SUV design, focused on comfort and practicality
- Platform: Utilizes the ‘INGLO’ platform for optimized space and performance
- Battery: Integrated high-density battery tech
- Range: 682 km on a single charge
- Expected Price: Starting at Rs 18.9 lakh (ex-showroom)