The company fixed its ex-showroom price at Rs 4.99 lakh. The new Celerio climbed the ladder of premium Ness and replaced the previous generation Celerio. However, in markets like Thailand, Suzuki still offers the old Celerio as well as its slightly sporty version Celerio GL UP. Meanwhile, Suzuki has introduced the Celerio Milano Edition. It has many accessories and dual-tone colors. It looks more attractive than the current model.

Look at Celerio Milano Edition

Suzuki is carrying forward the retro attractive look with the Milano Edition, which has custom colourways as well as many accessories like roof carriers. The base colourway of this Celerio Milano Edition seems to be white, on which Suzuki has used lovely shades of teal and gold.

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The Celerio Milano Edition has a prominent pinstripe around it, which divides this vehicle into different colors. This pinstripe starts from the tip of the headlight and continues neatly above the door handles. It meets the rear taillights and cuts down to the tailgate below the release handle. The same pattern is created on the other side as well.

Everything above this pinstripe is white and everything below is teal. There is also a second pinstripe that runs all around the Celerio Milano edition which forms an area similar to the body cladding seen on an SUV. Everything below this second pinstripe is a beautiful gold color.

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The gold shade can also be seen on both the ORVMs, all 5 door handles, and all the logos and branding seen on this vehicle. The roof too gets a dual-tone effect, with white as the base shade and vertical gold stripes. The roof carrier is also finished in white and gold shades.

The engine of the new Celerio

Under the bonnet, the Celerio in Thailand is powered by a K10B 1.0L naturally aspirated 3-cylinder petrol engine that is capable of producing 68 PS of peak power and 90 Nm of peak torque. It is mated to a 5-speed manual gearbox or a CVT unit.

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