If you are thinking of buying a car or commercial vehicle from Tata Motors, then this news is very important for you. Tata Motors has announced that from April 1, 2025, it is going to increase the prices of all its commercial vehicles by up to 2%. The company has taken this decision in view of rising manufacturing costs, expensive raw materials and logistics costs. Although Tata Motors is trying to optimize the cost so that there is no burden on the customers, it has become necessary to pass on the increased prices to the customers to some extent.
Why is Tata Motors increasing the prices of its vehicles
Tata Motors has clarified that the ever-increasing input cost has become a major problem in the automobile sector. This increase in prices is being done due to expensive raw materials, high manufacturing costs and rising logistics costs. According to the company, it is making every effort to control its production and other expenses, but still it has become difficult to completely balance the changes in costs.
Maruti Suzuki is also going to increase the price
Before Tata Motors, India’s largest car manufacturer Maruti Suzuki has also announced that it will increase the prices of its vehicles by up to 4% from April 2025. Maruti has also cited rising input costs and operating expenses as the main reason for this. In such a situation, if you are planning to buy a car of any brand, then this may be the right time for you, because after April you will have to spend more money for your favorite car.
Who will be affected by the price hike
This decision of Tata Motors will have the biggest impact on those customers who are planning to buy commercial vehicles. Since this increase will be applicable to all commercial vehicles, it will have a direct impact on the transport and logistics sector.
The increase in the price of commercial vehicles will also affect the transportation cost, which may also affect the prices of other products. Overall, it will also affect the pockets of common customers, because expensive transportation can also make everyday things expensive.
Buy Tata Motors cars before April
If you are planning to buy a Tata Motors or Maruti Suzuki car, then booking before April can prove to be a profitable deal. It is often seen that when companies announce a price hike, the number of customers at the dealership increases. In such a situation, there is a possibility of stock running out.