Ration Card Cancelled: If you are a ration card holder like me and enjoy the monthly benefits of the government’s affordable or complimentary ration program, then this information will be of interest to you. The central food ministry has confirmed the cancellation of 58 million fake ration cards. This was achieved through implementing a digitalization initiative.

Cancellation of 58 million fraudulent ration cards

There have been major alterations in the Public Distribution System (PDS) nationwide, resulting in the cancellation of 58 million fraudulent ration cards. This has set new benchmarks for global food security initiatives. The ministry’s statement highlighted that the enhancement of the PDS system for 806 million beneficiaries resulted in the elimination of 58 million fraudulent ration cards through Aadhaar verification and the electronic E-KYC system.

As per the statement, ‘Following these efforts, there has been a notable decrease in inconsistencies and achievement in connecting with the appropriate individuals.’ As stated by the ministry, almost all of the 204 million ration cards have been converted into digital format. Out of these, Aadhaar is linked to 99.8 percent and 98.7 percent of beneficiaries’ identities have been confirmed through biometrics.

As per the report, 533,000 E-POS devices have been set up in fair price shops nationwide. This guarantees that the correct person receives the ration by verifying Aadhaar during grain distribution. The ministry reported that currently, Aadhaar verification is being used in approximately 98 percent of grain distribution processes. This has aided in distinguishing disqualified recipients and decreasing illicit trading.

‘One Nation One Ration Card’ initiative allows beneficiaries to access rations nationwide

The ‘One Nation One Ration Card’ initiative allows beneficiaries to access rations nationwide with their current cards, offering convenience. The ministry announced that the government has set a worldwide benchmark for food security efforts by implementing digitalization, precise beneficiary identification, and supply system innovation. The complete PDS system, from procurement to distribution, is incorporated in the digital transformation. By getting rid of fake cards and wrong entries, the system now guarantees that the actual beneficiaries receive the distribution.