7th Pay Commission: The government’s response has come on the merger of dearness allowance for central employees. The central employees demanded that dearness allowance be merged in the basic salary (DA Merger). But, the government has given a clear answer on this. The government says that dearness allowance is revised every six months.

This is the demand of employee organizations

Employee organizations are demanding to add dearness allowance to the basic salary. The employees demand that dearness allowance (7th Pay Commission DA Merger) has increased to more than 50%. The National Council of Joint Consultative Machinery had a meeting with the Department of Personnel and Training (DoPT). In this too, it was said to merge DA.

Question was asked in Rajya Sabha

On merging the dearness allowance and dearness relief of employees and pensioners in the basic salary, the central government has said that the government has no such plan (7th Pay Commission DA Merger). A question was asked in the Rajya Sabha, to which a written answer has come.

Employee organizations were demanding to add 50 percent dearness allowance to the basic salary. Let us tell you that the Sixth Pay Commission had also recommended not to merge DA in the basic salary, which was accepted by the government.

Minister of State gave a written answer

On this question related to employees, Minister of State in the Finance Ministry Pankaj Chaudhary said on Tuesday that the government has no proposal pending to merge DA in the basic salary (DA Basic Salary Merger). DA is revised every six months.

The government rejected the plan

The central government has rejected any plan to merge the dearness allowance and dearness relief of employees and pensioners in the basic salary and basic pension (DA in Basic Salary). The government has also given written reasons behind this. The government has answered all the questions on this.

Big answer also came on 8th Pay Commission

On the other hand, Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman has given big information about the 8th Pay Commission (8th Pay Commission DA Merger). Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman said that more than 36 lakh employees and pensioners of the Central Government will benefit from the 8th CPC. Apart from this, employees and pensioners of the defense sector will also get its benefit. He said that the government has also decided to form a new pay commission.