Post Office Savings Account : If you want improved interest rates and extra benefits on your savings account, the Post Office Savings Account could be an excellent choice for you. This account, which can be opened for only Rs 500, offers a higher interest rate than banks, and it is also connected to various government initiatives. Please inform us about the key characteristics of a post office savings account and its associated benefits. To open a savings account at the post office, you only require Rs 500. This is likewise its lowest balance threshold. In contrast, standard savings accounts at banks demand a minimum of Rs 1000 or higher.
If the account balance goes below Rs 500 and isn’t restored by the end of the financial year, the post office will charge Rs 50 as a maintenance fee. You receive a 4% yearly interest on a Post Office Savings Account, which is significantly superior to banks. For instance, major banks such as SBI, PNB, and BOI offer interest rates between 2.70% and 2.90% on their savings accounts. In contrast, private banks such as HDFC and ICICI offer interest rates ranging from 3.00% to 3.50%.
Advantages of having a post office savings account
Opportunity to access advantages of government programs such as Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana, Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana, and Atal Pension Yojana.
Tax exemption: According to Section 80TTA of the Income Tax Act, interest earned up to Rs 10,000 in a fiscal year is free from tax.
How to open a post office savings account?
Opening a Post Office Savings Account is a very simple process. To do this, you just require an Aadhar Card, PAN Card, and a Passport-sized Photo. Visit the closest post office. Complete the application form and provide KYC documents. Deposit at least Rs 500.