Aadhaar Card: Creating an instant passport has become simpler now. Individuals over 18 years old will now need to provide three documents to obtain an instant passport. Individuals under 18 years old must provide two documents. Applicants aged 18 and over must provide an Aadhaar card, PAN card, and a photo ID – published in media reports. A ration card and a student photo ID card provided by educational institutions will be required for applicants under 18 years old.

What was the previous rule

Previously, 13 different documents were necessary for obtaining an instant passport. In this scenario, numerous applicants faced challenges in obtaining instant passports. However, creating a passport has become simpler because of the decrease in required documents. Now, an instant passport can be obtained with only two to three documents. This facility will also reduce the time required to produce instant passports. As a result, there won’t be lengthy lines of applicants. Details regarding this have been communicated to all local passport offices.

Won’t be lengthy lines of applicants

If an applicant lacks a driving license or does not possess a bank passbook, then the passport will also be issued. Since the necessity for these documents has been eliminated now. Additionally, providing a voter photo ID will not be required. We should mention that in the past, numerous applicants encountered issues if they lacked a driving license. However, now three documents from a total of 13 are necessary.

Only 10 to 20 thousand applicants succeed in obtaining instant passports

Each year, one lakh applications are submitted for instant passport processing. However, among these, only 10 to 20 thousand applicants succeed in obtaining instant passports. Due to the challenges faced by applicants in providing 13 documents, passport service centers have now been established in all 38 districts of Bihar.