Who dont want to become millionaire? If you also have same dream but don’t know how to makes your dream fulfil then today’s article js just for you. Becoming a millionaire with a small investment like just Rs 100 may seem like a dream, but if you start investing with the right strategy and discipline, it is undoubtedly possible. First of all, you have to understand that the sooner you start investing, the easier this goal can be. For example, if you are 20 years old, you can become a millionaire in just 27 years with a daily investment of Rs 100.


The power of compounding gives you the opportunity to convert your small investments into large funds. If you invest Rs 100 regularly and earn good returns on it, it can get bigger with time. In such a situation, the most important condition for investment is that you do it for a long period and do it regularly.


If you are ready to accept both these conditions of investment, then we are going to tell you the formula for how to become a millionaire with an investment of just Rs 100 per day. Suppose you invest 100 rupees every day, i.e. 3000 thousand rupees in a month, then in a period of 20 years, this money can cross one crore in 27 years.


Journey from Rs 100 to Rs 1 crore


For this, you have to start an SIP of Rs 100 every day. Generally, mutual funds give you returns of up to 12-14%. So, if you invest Rs 3000 every month for 27 years, then the total value of your investment will be Rs 1,08,91,599.


Returns of 57 lakhs in 3 years


On the other hand, if you continue this investment for the next 3 years, then the total value of your investment will be ₹ 1,66,71,167. That is, in 30 years, your daily savings of 100 rupees can make you the owner of 1.66 crores. If you extend your investment period and continue for another 5 years, the total value of your investment at the age of 35 years will be ₹3,36,97,458. That is, if you save Rs 100 every day at the age of 20 and start putting it in SIP, then at the age of 55 you will own 3.36 crores. Normally, the retirement age is 60 years, so if you continue your daily investment of Rs 100, then at the age of 60 you will own ₹ 6,78,45,553.