Ahead of the Bihar election 2025, several parties promised commitments. Previously, Tejashwi Yadav, representing Lalu Yadav’s party RJD that is heading the Mahagathbandhan, declared that if his government is established, Rs 2500 will be provided to impoverished women through the Mai Behin Maan initiative. In addition to this, 200 units of complimentary electricity and a pension for the elderly of Rs 1500 were declared. NDA partner Jitan Ram Manjhi made a number of significant declarations during the HAM gathering. Nine proposals were approved, featuring a Rs 5000 unemployment allowance and 200 units of free electricity. 


Major news about Unemployment Benefits


The Hindustani Awam Morcha (HAM) convened its national executive meeting in New Delhi on Monday. In which nine resolutions were adopted. All categories of pensions in Bihar must be increased to a minimum of Rs 2000.


In Bihar, farmers possessing 200 units for household needs and having up to five acres of land should receive free electricity for irrigation, the unemployment allowance ought to rise to Rs 5,000, and daughters from all backgrounds should benefit from the introduction of ‘Mata Sabri Samman Yojana’ in Bihar.


In addition to this, a cost-effective health insurance plan ought to be implemented for the middle class, the streets of Delhi should be revamped, and names should be altered to honor the martyrs of independence and notable figures. Additionally, a large statue of Baba Saheb ought to be erected at Deeksha Bhoomi Nagpur, resembling the ‘Statue of Unity’ in design.

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