Big relief for lakhs of govt employees. Employees and account holders of the Employees Provident Fund Organization have received positive news. EPFO has released certain employees from the requirement of Aadhaar seeding for claim processing. On 29 November 2024, a new circular has been released that eliminates the compulsory linking of Aadhaar for certain employees. This regulation will be relevant for those specific categories that cannot secure Aadhaar under the current situation. 


No requirement for Aadhaar Card


Typically, if an employee needs to process a PF claim or withdraw funds from their PF, EPFO subscribers must connect their UAN (Universal Account Number) to Aadhaar for claims processing. However, the EPFO has provided significant relief by altering this regulation for certain groups of employees. In certain cases, physical claims will now be resolved without Aadhaar.


These workers will receive discounts


1. A circular released by the EPFO states that employees who have finished all PF-related tasks and moved abroad will receive an exemption. Individuals who have departed from India and acquired citizenship in another country can also resolve the claim without Aadhaar.


2. Citizens of Nepal and Bhutan who meet the criteria for employees and are engaged in an establishment covered by the EPF & MP Act, yet do not live in India and consequently do not possess Aadhaar.


3. All employees in these categories will be allowed to verify their identity using other alternative documents like a passport or citizenship certificate instead of Aadhaar. In particular, citizenship certificates may be utilized by individuals from Nepal and Bhutan.


EPFO’s explanation regarding UAN


1. EPFO has stated that if members do not possess a UAN, they must generate one mandatorily. The only requirement that has been removed is the linking of Aadhaar with UAN, as they currently cannot acquire the unique identity card.


2. The EPFO has stated that individuals without an Aadhaar link can use another accepted ID proof to complete the final settlement. These papers will be checked for genuineness.