Every bike rider wants their motorcycle to always deliver good performance and mileage. To achieve this, they often adopt various methods to improve the bike’s mileage. However, despite these efforts, many people still find that their bike doesn’t give the expected mileage. Some are even concerned that their tank gets emptied too quickly. Keeping this in mind, we are here to tell you the ideal speed at which you can achieve better mileage while riding your bike.

How Many Days Will the Bike Run After Filling the Tank?

If you ride the bike for 4 to 5 km every day, a full tank of petrol will last for about a month. On the other hand, if you ride 10 to 20 km every day, the petrol will last around 15 to 20 days.

How Mileage Depends on Riding Style

The mileage of your bike largely depends on how you ride it. If you do not maintain the right speed, the mileage may decrease.

Ideal Speed of the Bike for Best Mileage

The ideal speed for a bike is between 40 to 60 km/h. This speed offers the best performance and the highest mileage. Riding consistently at this speed can improve your bike’s mileage. If you ride at a speed lower or higher than this, you may not get the same mileage.

Tips to Increase the Mileage of Your Bike

Choose Open Roads

Avoid traffic-filled and narrow roads. Opt for roads with less traffic so you don’t have to use the clutch and gears frequently, which can help improve the mileage.

Get Regular Service Done

The bike’s engine performance directly affects its mileage. Ensure that you get your bike serviced regularly. Well-maintained parts will help improve the overall mileage.

Check Tyre Pressure Regularly

Low tyre pressure can reduce the bike’s mileage. When tyre pressure is low, the engine has to work harder. To avoid this, check the tyre pressure every 15 days to keep it at the recommended level.