BPL ration card: The Government of India has tried to improve the living standards of the people through various schemes, especially for the poor and backward classes. Under the National Food Security Act (NFSA), the government aims to ensure that all citizens get proper amount of nutritious food. Under this Act, food items are made available to ration card holders at cheap rates, including rice, wheat, sugar, and other essential commodities.

Apart from this, the scheme aims to benefit the especially vulnerable sections, such as the poor, the elderly, the disabled, and other helpless people. Under the NFSA, grants are given to the states to supply food grains, so that these essential commodities can reach the people easily and no one remains hungry.

It is necessary to have a ration card to take advantage of this scheme of the government. But let us tell you that the ration card is not only used for getting ration but is also used in other schemes. Not one but many types of ration cards are issued by the government. Which are of different colors. Let us tell you which ration card belongs to which category and what is the benefit of which ration card.

There is importance of four colors of ration card in India, which determine different economic classes and the government schemes available for them. These ration cards are not only for the distribution of food grains, but also provide the benefits of social security schemes.

1. Yellow ration card:

This card is given to BPL (below poverty line) families. These families get cheap grains, such as wheat, rice, pulses, sugar, and kerosene. Apart from this, free gas connection is also available under the Ujjwala scheme.

2. Pink / red colored ration card:

This card is given to those families who are above the poverty line. They get grains at normal rates from government shops and subsidy is also given in some schemes, such as Ujjwala Yojana and benefits in housing scheme.

3. Blue/Orange Ration Card:

This card is issued to those who are economically weak but do not figure in the BPL list. They get cheap grains, kerosene and fuel, and in some states these cardholders also get discounts on electricity and water bills.

4. White Ration Card:

This card is issued to economically capable families. These families do not get government grain assistance, and this card is used as an identity card or address proof. However, this card can also be used to provide benefits in some government schemes.