Budget 2025 Update: The central government will present the entire budget for 2025-26, which everyone has high hopes for. From farmers to labourers and employees, everyone is waiting for Nirmala Sitharaman’s budget speech today. Before the budget, the Modi government released the economic survey. The economic survey also presents the history and future outline of the Indian economy before the people.

The government’s Economic Survey stated that curbing working hours in a week harms production. This point was made when a significant debate erupted nationwide regarding employee hours.

The co-founder of a large company has also advocated increasing working hours from 75 to 90. Employees are very concerned about this, and the government is expected to make a prominent announcement today.

Highlights of the Economic Survey

The Economic Survey presented by the Central Government has said some surprising things about working hours. The Economic Survey said that employees’ earning power was determined by dividing the working hours by days, weeks, quarters, and years.

The Economic Survey report said increasing production is necessary to deliver goods to the market in less time. According to the survey, the International Organization allows industries to complete the average working hours every three weeks.

Do you know what the situation is in India?

According to Section 51 of the Indian Factories Act (1948), no employee should work more than 48 hours a week. The Economic Survey also details another section 65(3)(iv) of the same Act. Under this Act and Section, overtime should not exceed 75 hours in any quarter. According to the survey report, this restriction on working hours stops employees from earning more money.

Employment opportunities will increase.

The central government can provide new opportunities for the youth in its entire budget. It can also work on an integrated national policy based on the recommendations of the CII. In this, it plans to bring the schemes of all the employment-providing ministries on one platform. Internships can also be announced for rural graduates. Under this, getting an internship to work in government offices is possible.