Business Idea: Do you want to earn good profits with less investment, then tomato farming can be a golden opportunity for you.

Tomatoes have tremendous demand across the country and their prices also often skyrocket. Let’s know how you can earn good profits by cultivating tomatoes.

Tomato Farming: A Profitable Business

Tomato is cultivated on a very large scale in India. It has a good yield and its demand always remains in the market.

If you want to join farming and want to earn good profits, then tomato farming can be a better option for you.

Essential things for tomato cultivation

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Land: Fertile land with good drainage is required for tomato cultivation.

Seed: Choose good quality seeds.

Manure and Fertilizer: Use the right amount of manure and fertilizer for good growth of plants.

Irrigation: Tomato crop needs regular water.

Pest Control: Spray medicine from time to time to protect the crop from pests.

How to cultivate tomatoes

Tomato cultivation is done twice a year. The first crop is taken from July-August to February-March and the second from November-December to June-July.

Nursery is prepared first for tomato cultivation. In about a month, nursery plants are ready to be planted in the field.

About 15,000 plants can be planted in one hectare of land. Fruits start coming about 2-3 months after planting. Tomato crop lasts for about 9-10 months.

How much will it cost to cultivate tomatoes

There are many varieties of tomatoes. Of these, cane and wire varieties give good yields. In such a situation, you can spend Rs 2.5 lakh to 3 lakh in all expenses from seeds to other expenses.

This includes 40 to 50 thousand on seeds, 25 to 30 thousand on wire, 40 to 45 thousand on cane, 20 to 25 thousand on mulching paper, and labour costs.

In tomato cultivation, you can get a yield of 300-500 quintals from one acre. That is, you can get a yield of 800-1200 quintals from one hectare.

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How much will you earn from tomato cultivation?

If the average price of your tomato is sold at Rs 10 per kg and you take an average production of 1000 quintals, then you can easily earn up to Rs 10 lakh.

Sometimes the yield of tomatoes also decreases. But if the demand increases, then the prices also increase.

At present, tomato prices are skyrocketing across the country. The price of tomatoes has reached Rs 80 per kg.

However, prices are expected to fall soon. The central government has started the sale of tomatoes, which is being sold at Rs 80 per kg.

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