If you do business or do a job, then you get a credit card very easily. Many times banks offer you credit cards on their own. But the housewife has no means of earning. Can I apply for a credit card? Know what the bank’s rule is in this case.


Can housewives apply for a credit card?


According to the information given on Axis Bank’s website, housewives can also apply for a credit card. But this card will either be an add-on card or a secured credit card.


What is an addon credit card and a secured credit card?


The addon credit card will be linked to their spouse’s primary credit card, and its limit will also be according to the primary credit card. It can also be equivalent to a primary credit card. At the same time, for a secured credit card, it is necessary to have an FD in the bank in the name of the housewife. The limit of a secured credit card also depends on their FD amount. Through this credit card, homemakers can save a lot on household expenses. Through these cards, women can avail themselves of reward points on grocery and dining expenses, discounts on fuel surcharges, as well as redeem these reward points for special gifts and offers. Apart from this, by using the credit card properly, they can also improve their credit score.


What are the conditions?


To apply for a credit card, the homemaker must be at least 18 years old. Her husband should have a credit card, on the basis of which she can apply for an add-on card. At the same time, for a secured credit card, there should be a fixed deposit in the name of the housewife in the bank. On the basis of FD, they can apply for a secured card. To apply for a credit card, the housewife has to fill out the application form. A passport-size photo, ID proof such as a PAN card, voter ID, or passport; address proof; and income proof such as a salary slip, bank statement, etc. will be required.


How to apply


Housewives can apply for a credit card through the bank’s official website or app. Apart from this, an application can also be made by going to the bank’s branch. After applying, the bank will verify all your information and documents and issue you a credit card within a few days.