Masked Aadhaar Card: Currently, Aadhaar card is utilized in many places. Have you ever considered how risky it might be if your Aadhaar information gets into the wrong hands? We continue to hear reports of fraud associated with Aadhaar on a daily basis. Consequently, to prevent becoming victims of fraudsters, individuals ought to utilize Masked Aadhaar rather than standard Aadhaar. However, a report by PWC indicates that approximately 73% of Indians are unaware of ‘Masked Aadhaar’.

UIDAI has launched ‘Masked Aadhaar’ to allow individuals to share their Aadhaar information

The Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) has launched ‘Masked Aadhaar’ to allow individuals to share their Aadhaar information with third parties as needed without concern. Masked Aadhaar card is a type of Aadhaar card where the first eight digits are concealed, leaving only the last four digits visible. Consequently, in the masked Aadhaar, the first 8 digits are replaced with “xxxx-xxxx,” leaving only the last 4 digits of the Aadhaar number visible. In other words, the initial 8 digits are obscured, hence it is referred to as a masked Aadhaar card.

Minimizes the chances of your Aadhaar number being misused

In Masked Aadhaar, although the initial eight digits of your Aadhaar number are obscured, it can still serve as identity verification. This approach minimizes the chances of your Aadhaar number being misused. For safety purposes, individuals ought to utilize only their masked Aadhaar card.

Masked Aadhaar is regarded as valid just like the regular Aadhaar card

Can we find out if the masked Aadhaar card can serve as identification in the same situations where the regular Aadhaar card is used? If this question has crossed your mind as well, we want to inform you that the masked Aadhaar is regarded as valid just like the regular Aadhaar card where all 12 digits are shown. Thus, the masked Aadhaar can be utilized anywhere a regular Aadhaar card is requested.

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