Business Idea: Do you want to start a business of your own? But don’t know what to start? Then this article is for you. If you are an Indian, then you must be a chilli lover. But do you know that you can also start the business with it? Yes, you’ve heard it right. From chili cultivation, you can earn a profit of up to Rs 12 lakh in 9–10 months. Chilli Farmimg Business is now very popular in India now a days.


However, in cultivating chilies, you have to take care of many things, such as how to choose the field, how to irrigate and fertilize, etc. If you are aware of all these, then you can earn good money from chili farming.


How much does it cost to grow chilies?


Let’s talk about one hectare; then you will need about 7-8 kg of chili seeds. You can get up to 20–25 thousand rupees. The cost of hybrid seeds can go up to 35–40 thousand rupees. Let’s say we planted hybrid Magadheera seeds, which cost around Rs 40,000. At the same time, you will have to do mulching, fertilizer, irrigation, fertilizer, pesticides, harvesting, and marketing. In one hectare, you spend up to 2.5–3 lakh rupees on all kinds of expenses ranging from seeds.


How much production and how much profit?


Magadheera hybrid chillies can yield about 250-300 quintals in one hectare. The price of chilli in the market can range from Rs 30 to Rs 80 at different times. Let’s say your chili is sold for Rs 50 per kg. In this case, 300 quintals of chili will be worth about 15 lakh rupees. That is, a profit of about 12 lakh rupees in one hectare. Seeing the profit in chili cultivation, many people are trying their hand in its cultivation.


How do you cultivate chilies?


You can apply it anytime of the year, but according to different types, they are also taken care of differently. In such a situation, talk to an agricultural expert before farming. Hybrid seeds of improved varieties should be selected for cultivation. If you do not want to plant a nursery yourself, then take a chili plant from a good nursery. Chilli plants should be planted at a distance of 2-2 feet, and a space of about 2-3 feet should be kept between two beds. Due to the space between the plants, air keeps coming and going, and at the same time, the plants do not get disease quickly.


Hybrid chilli plants are ready for harvesting in 60-70 days and continue to harvest for 9-10 months. Keep looking at the chili plants every day, and if you see any kind of disease, spray the plants without delay; otherwise, the production may fall. You can also sell chilies in green and dry them after turning red.