Credit card connect with UPI! Now this can possible


Pritam Santra

UPI: It should be noted that UPI services are growing in various aspects across the nation. There is significant interest among people in digital payments. UPI payments are now being welcomed at even in small tea stalls and large retail shops. In this context,

Connect credit cards to UPI

RBI has recently offered the chance to connect credit cards to UPI. Now, let’s understand how to connect a credit card with UPI.

UPI payments only permit transactions using the funds in our savings account. Nonetheless, the recent introduction of the ability to connect a credit card to the UPI app has boosted the usage of credit cards for even minor transactions. Making payments on the card after the bill’s due date is sufficient. Nonetheless, this approach is exclusively suitable for individuals who utilize RuPay credit cards. Only these cards are eligible to connect with the UPI app, allowing payments to be made via the credit card.

How to connect?

Initially, launch the UPI Payments application.

Click on the three dots located on the left side.

Navigate to the Payment Methods section.

Choose the RuPay Credit option in UPI.

Bank information will show up right away.

You must choose the bank that provided your RuPay credit card.

Your card information will be displayed. Simply insert the card in this manner. Choosing the credit card option during payment will simplify the payment process. The charge will be taken from your credit card balance.

Keep in mind that the option to utilize credit cards even with no funds in your bank account may result in a lack of control over spending and higher costs. This may result in avoidable debt. Thus, exercise caution!
