If you are also a driving license holder then today’s article is for you. It is essential to adhere to certain regulations if you possess a Learning License. Failing to do so may result in significant fines. Specifically, driving alone with a Learning License can lead to a challan, which may incur a penalty of up to Rs 540. Additionally, if your Learning License expires, you risk being fined by traffic authorities.


What is the validity period of a Learning License?


Moreover, even with a valid license, violations such as driving on a one-way street, parking in prohibited areas, or exceeding speed limits can result in fines. It is crucial to remember that possessing a valid driving license is mandatory; operating a vehicle without one constitutes a legal violation.


The validity of a Learning License is 180 days (6 months). During this timeframe, it is advisable to apply for a permanent license.


How to Obtain a Permanent License After Holding a Learning License?


If you intend to transition from a Learning License to a permanent license, you must submit an application through the Transport Sarathi Portal. Upon successfully passing the required test, your permanent license will be mailed to your address. However, failing the test may result in your application being denied.