If you have not used your account for a long time and your account has been closed by the bank, then you can withdraw money from your closed account without any hassle.

If you have not done any transactions from your savings account for a long time, then the bank makes your account dormant. This means that your account has been suspended. It is worth noting that your account can never be closed forever.

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Why is your account dormant

Whenever there is no transaction from your savings account for a long time, then your account is closed under the guidelines of RBI. If there is any amount already in your account, then you will continue to get interest on it as per the rules of the bank.

If you have linked this account under any scheme, then you will continue to get interest under that scheme. A closed account cannot be started again by doing a simple transaction.

How to withdraw money from a dormant account

If your account has been dormant and you want to withdraw the money in your account, then you have to go to the bank where you have an account. After going to the bank, you have to give a written application along with KYC documents in which you have to request the bank to open your account.

All the documents like an Aadhaar card, PAN card, and photo have to be submitted to the bank. The account will be restarted by the bank after verifying your documents. After which you can withdraw money from your account. Watch the video for more information.