Farming is now also seen as a good business and many young people are earning good money from farming with the help of technology. If you also want to earn money in this field, then lemongrass cultivation is a good option. You can get started with a very low cost and earn big profits. Lemon grass is in great demand in the market, so you will not have to worry much to sell it.

That’s why there is demand

The demand for lemon grass is very high. Actually, the oil extracted from this grass is used extensively. It is also used in cosmetics, soaps as well as pharmaceutical companies. Lemon grass is also exported from India, so its demand is almost always there. Prime Minister Narendra Modi has talked about becoming self-reliant with lemon grass in his Mann Ki Baat program.

When is the farm?

Now we know when it can be cultivated. The nursery is first prepared to grow lemon grass, which takes 55 to 60 days. The time from February to July is considered ideal for its cultivation. After transplanting, the grass takes 70-80 years to mature. The special thing is that once planted, it is harvested three to four times a year. That is, the scope of profit is relatively high.

Costs and earnings

Let’s now know about the most important thing i.e. cost. Land is a mandatory condition for growing lemon grass. If you have one acre of land, you can earn good money at a very low cost. You can do this farming for just 30,000 to 40,000 rupees. According to an estimate, about 100-150 tonnes of oil can be extracted from the cultivation of lemon grass in one acre of land, the price of which is between Rs 1200 and Rs 1500 per liter. If all expenses are deducted, then you can easily earn up to one lakh rupees in a year.