In a ground-breaking move that has transformed India’s financial landscape, the Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana (PMJDY) celebrated its 10th anniversary.

Launched during Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s first term, this visionary scheme has empowered millions of Indians, particularly those from marginalized communities, by providing access to formal banking services.

A-Pillar of Financial Inclusion PMJDY has been instrumental in bridging the financial divide, ensuring that every citizen has a basic banking account.

By simplifying the account opening process and eliminating minimum balance requirements, the scheme has made banking accessible to even the most remote areas of the country.

Key Benefits of PMJDY Financial Inclusion

Over 53 crore accounts have been opened under PMJDY, bringing millions into the formal banking system.

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Government Benefits- The scheme has streamlined the delivery of government subsidies and welfare benefits, ensuring they reach the intended recipients efficiently.

Digital Payments:-PMJDY has encouraged the adoption of digital payments, reducing the reliance on cash and promoting financial literacy.

RuPay Cards- Free RuPay cards issued to account holders provide access to various financial services and offer accidental insurance coverage of Rs 2 lakh.

Zero Charges- There are no account opening or maintenance fees, making PMJDY a cost-effective option for all.

Empowering Women and Rural Communities PMJDY has played a pivotal role in empowering women and rural communities.

A significant portion of the accounts opened under the scheme belong to women, providing them with financial independence and control over their resources.

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Furthermore, the scheme has been particularly successful in reaching rural areas, where access to banking facilities was previously limited.

A Catalyst for Economic Growth By fostering financial inclusion, PMJDY has contributed to India’s economic growth.

It has enabled small businesses and entrepreneurs to access credit and expand their operations, creating jobs and boosting local economies.

A Vision Realized The success of PMJDY is a testament to the government’s commitment to financial inclusion and its belief in the transformative power of banking.

As the scheme enters its second decade, it is poised to continue making a positive impact on the lives of millions of Indians.

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