The average minimum monthly balance is the average amount you need to maintain in your savings or current account throughout a calendar month. Unlike the minimum daily balance amount, the minimum monthly balance is calculated based on the average of your daily closing balance amounts over the month. At the end of each month, the bank calculates whether you have met the required average minimum monthly balance.
Failure to meet this balance may result in a charge or penalty from the bank. However, maintaining the average minimum monthly balance also offers several benefits, which we will discuss here.
You Will Learn Financial Discipline
Maintaining a minimum average balance every month in your bank or savings account can discourage you from making non-essential withdrawals or purchases. This helps foster a saving mindset. By doing so, you develop a habit of financial discipline, which can be beneficial in the long run.
Indirect Effect on Credit Health
Maintaining an average minimum monthly balance also positively impacts your credit health. Your credit score depends on your ability to repay loans. When you have sufficient funds in your bank account, you are better equipped to repay your loan on time.
Benefit of Higher Interest and Special Offers
The higher the balance in your savings account, the greater the chances of earning returns in the form of interest. Additionally, you can avail of special offers on debit and credit cards, lifestyle benefits, reward points, and preferential pricing on certain products like personal loans.
Depending on the Category of Banks and Area
The requirement for maintaining an average minimum monthly balance depends on the category of the bank and the area. Private banks often have stricter conditions compared to government banks. To maintain the minimum monthly balance in your account, you need to manage your budget in a disciplined manner.