Post Office Scheme : If you intend to invest in a solid plan, this information is particularly for you. Today we will inform you about an excellent initiative from the post office. This investment program offered by the post office is called the Monthly Income Scheme. If you’re seeking a consistent monthly income from your investment, this scheme could serve as a preferable choice for you. By investing in this post office scheme, you receive numerous excellent benefits.

This investment option is entirely secure. By putting money into it, you avoid encountering the risks associated with any market fluctuations. This program is very well-liked in the nation. A lot of individuals are putting their money into it.

You will continuously receive interest benefits for 5 years

In the Post Office Monthly Income Scheme, you need to invest a one-time amount and receive interest benefits from it. After putting money into this plan, you continuously receive interest benefits for 5 years. The Monthly Income Scheme is a minor savings program offered by the post office. You can establish your account in this scheme either individually or jointly. If you establish one account in the Monthly Income Scheme offered by the post office, you can invest as much as Rs 9 lakh in this scheme. By opening a joint account, you can invest up to Rs 15 lakh in this program.

By participating in this plan, you are presently receiving an interest rate of 7.4 percent. By investing Rs 9 lakh as a lump sum in this scheme, you will receive monthly interest of Rs 5,550.

On the other hand, if you open a joint account and invest Rs 15 lakh in this scheme, you will get Rs 9,250 as interest on investing in it. In this case, you will get interest of Rs 1,11,000 annually.

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