DA Hike: The Gujarat government has delivered significant good news for its countless government employees and pensioners. The state government has declared a 3% rise in Dearness Allowance (DA). This choice has been made to advantage approximately 9 lakh workers and pensioners.

Dearness allowance has risen from 50% to 53% of the basic salar

Due to this increase (DA Hike), the dearness allowance has risen from 50% to 53% of the basic salary. The state government has declared that this decision will take effect on July 1, 2024. This indicates that the increase will be applied retroactively for government workers and retirees (DA Hike). As per the proposal released by the Finance Department, this choice has been made in accordance with the Gujarat State Service (Pay Revision) Rules, 2016.

The government has provided clear information about the payment of back pay (DA Increase). The outstanding dearness allowance (DA Hike) from July to November 2024 will be paid to employees and pensioners in January 2025 together with the December 2024 salary and pension. All state government employees, panchayat workers, both teaching and non-teaching personnel in secondary and higher secondary schools, along with staff in aided non-government schools will gain from this Dearness Allowance (DA increase).

These are all the staff members who fall under the Seventh Pay Commission. The government has further clarified that this advantage will be accessible to primary teachers and staff serving on deputation or transfer in panchayats. Nonetheless, suitable adjustments will be implemented to ensure that the salary revision process can be finalized in accordance with the commission.

What is DA?

Dearness Allowance (DA Increase) is a benefit provided to workers and retirees to safeguard them from the impacts of inflation. The decision is typically made based on the Consumer Price Index (CPI). It is raised periodically to enhance the earnings of employees.