Good news for farmers. At that present time the work of harvesting and selling other crops including Kharif season paddy is going on in many states of the country. In such a situation, the benefit of subsidy is provided to the farmers on agricultural machines / machines of harvesting crops by the government. Now up to 55 percent subsidy is being given by the state government to the farmers on the purchase of Chain Harvester to cut paddy. Yes you’ve heard it right.

Govts takes big decision

According to the information released by the Agriculture Department, according to the high area of paddy crop in the state, applications are being invited from farmers for Track Type Paddy Harvester in a total of 13 districts. Under this, farmers of the state can apply on the e-agricultural machine grant scheme portal. The last date for application has been kept on November 10. On November 11, farmers will be selected by lottery and they will be provided track type paddy harvester machine on subsidy. To get the benefit of subsidy on chain harvester from the Agricultural Engineering Department, the applicant will have to make a demand draft (DD) of Rs 2 lakh along with the application.

Documents Required

You will need some documents for application under Krishi Yantra Grant Yojana. The documents you will need for the application are as follows-

1. Aadhaar card.

2. Applicant’s caste certificate

3. Applicant farmer’s farm papers containing copy of B-1.

4. Bank account details of the applicant farmer, copy of bank passbook.

5. Passport size photograph of the applicant
Applicant’s mobile number etc.

How to apply

If you are a farmer of Madhya Pradesh, then you can apply to buy a chain harvester to cut paddy on subsidy.

1. For this, you have to apply online. For this, farmers can apply on the e-Krishi Yantra Grant Portal of the Agricultural Engineering Department.

2. Farmers who are already registered on the portal can submit applications by logging in through Aadhaar OTP.

3. At the same time, new farmers will have to register through biometric Aadhaar authentication before applying. Only then will they be able to apply.

4. Farmers wishing to take track type paddy harvester machine on subsidy can apply online on the website portal of the department.

5. At the same time, farmers who are unable to apply online can apply by visiting their nearest MP Online or CSC Center.

Application Index

Official website link of the scheme-

Link for application for agricultural machinery-

Link to see district-wise agricultural machinery list-