The Tamil Nadu government has announced special bonuses and gifts for its employees, teachers, pensioners, family pensioners, and former village administrative officers (VAOs) on the occasion of Pongal, the harvest festival, for the financial year 2023-2024. Chief Minister MK Stalin has allocated a total of ₹163.81 crore for this scheme. Government employees and teachers in C and D groups will receive special pay of up to ₹3,000.

Special Bonuses for Employees in Tamil Nadu

This year, the Tamil Nadu government will provide bonuses to a wide range of employees, including daily wage workers and those who have completed at least 240 days of service during the financial year 2023-2024. Employees working on consolidated or special time-scale pay will receive a special bonus of ₹1,000. Pensioners and family pensioners will receive a gift of ₹500 for Pongal, which will also be given to former village assistants and rural administrative officers.

Special Bonuses for Employees in Tamil Nadu- Govt Announcement
Special Bonuses for Employees in Tamil Nadu- Govt Announcement

Bonus for C and D Category Employees

Like last year, government employees in the C and D categories will receive bonuses. In the 2022-2023 financial year, employees were given an ad-hoc bonus equal to 30 days of work, capped at ₹3,000. Part-time and full-time casual employees were given ₹1,000 as a special ad-hoc bonus.

Bonus in Other States

In addition to Tamil Nadu, other states’ schemes are also under discussion. Last year, the Kerala government gave its employees a bonus of ₹4,000, along with a festival allowance of ₹2,750 for Onam. Meanwhile, Tamil Nadu’s profit-making public sector companies awarded employees bonuses ranging from ₹8,400 to ₹16,800. The Tamil Nadu government’s initiative to provide a special Pongal bonus recognizes the dedication and hard work of its employees and pensioners.

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