OROP 3: Big good news for the retired soldiers of the country’s army. After the long-standing demands regarding One Rank One Pension (OROP), the government has taken a big decision.

Under OROP, now the retired soldiers of the army will get equal pension for the same rank and equal service period. Let us know about this most important decision in detail.

What is OROP

One Rank One Pension (OROP) means that soldiers with the same rank and equal service period in the army will get equal pension after retirement.

Earlier, there was a lot of difference in pension depending on the date of retirement, which caused dissatisfaction among the soldiers. The implementation of OROP has resolved this problem.

The journey of OROP

The soldiers of the Indian Army had been demanding OROP for a long time. Accepting this demand, the government implemented OROP in the year 2014.

However, even after this some issues remained due to which the soldiers were not able to get full benefits.

Reason for delay in OROP

The second phase of OROP was delayed a bit as a petition was filed in the Supreme Court on it. In the petition, some questions were raised regarding the implementation of OROP. However, later the Supreme Court upheld the government’s decision.

Preparation for OROP-3

The government had revised the pension for the second time under OROP, which was called OROP-2. Now preparations are underway for OROP-3, under which soldiers are expected to get more benefits.

Benefits of OROP

The implementation of OROP has improved the standard of living of soldiers. This has strengthened their financial condition and increased the morale of the soldiers in the army.

Expectation of OROP-3

The government has almost completed the calculations required for OROP-3 and is preparing to implement it soon. It is expected that by the end of August, full details of OROP-3 will be released and by September money will start coming into the accounts of soldiers.

Key features of OROP

Equal pension to soldiers of same rank and same service period

Retirement date does not matter

Regular increase in pension

Increasing the respect of army personnel

OROP is a historic decision which was long awaited by the army personnel and their families. It is expected that with the early implementation of OROP-3, retired army personnel will get more benefits.