Government Subsidy: The Fisheries Department has launched a new initiative aimed at ensuring the success of the Blue Revolution within the district. Under the Matsya Sampada Yojana, farmers who excavate new ponds for fish farming will receive a subsidy of 50 percent.
Specifically, the Fisheries Department will provide a subsidy of up to seven lakh rupees for the excavation of a new pond covering an area of two hectares. Farmers belonging to the ST-SC category will benefit from a 70 percent subsidy for the same activity. Additionally, the department plans to send selected farmers for training in fish farming outside the district.
To benefit from this scheme, farmers must submit an application to the District Fisheries Department. Upon receipt of the application, a departmental officer will conduct a site visit to assess the land. If the evaluation is satisfactory, the application will be approved, and the grant process will commence. This initiative presents a significant opportunity for farmers to enhance their income. It is noteworthy that this district, characterized by eight rivers, holds a prominent position in the state’s fisheries sector, where fishing serves as a vital source of income.
Subsidy upto 90%
The government is actively implementing various schemes to promote fisheries, and this new centrally sponsored scheme aims to further encourage farmers towards fisheries and improve their economic conditions. Under this scheme, individuals from backward classes can receive subsidies of up to 90 percent for pond excavation.
For those from backward classes without land, it is possible to construct a pond by leasing land, provided a land agreement of at least nine years is established.
Requirements to avail the benefits of the scheme include:
– Submission of an application to the District Fisheries Department.
– A photocopy of land documents must accompany the application.
– Grants will be available for the construction of a new pond on two hectares.
– A maximum grant of up to Rs 7 lakh will be provided for general category applicants.
– SC-ST category applicants will receive a 70 percent grant.
– The department will give approval after inspecting the land.
– Any person can apply.
– No target has been set for this scheme.