Duplicate PAN Card Apply: PAN cards have become essential documents, and in their absence, all vital work gets stuck in the middle. If the PAN card you keep in your purse or at home gets lost, then you have to face difficulties. Without a PAN card, all financial work gets stuck in the middle. Do you know that there is a rule to get a duplicate PAN card if the PAN card is lost or stolen?

So, there is no need to worry if the PAN card is lost. You can easily apply for a duplicate PAN card. After applying, you will get a duplicate PAN card so that all the pending work can be done again. You can apply for a duplicate PAN card online. Understand the process of applying below.

Method of applying online for duplicate PAN card

For a duplicate PAN card, first of all, you have to go to the official website of NSDL. Here, you will see the option ‘Reprint of PAN Card’ at the top.

Then, after clicking here, a new page will open.

Here, you must enter information like PAN number, Aadhaar and date of birth.

Then, you will have to click on the check box.

Then, you will be asked for the OTP option.

After this, you must choose one of the options: e-mail ID or mobile.

Whichever option you choose, you will get the OTP on that option.

After entering the OTP, you will have to make the necessary payment.

After paying the fee, you can click for print.

Then, a message will be sent to your mobile number. The link in this message will allow you to download e-Pan.

Is it necessary to have a PAN card?

In the changing times, it is very important to have a PAN card. If you go to open an account in a bank, your PAN card is given priority first. In the absence of a PAN card, the bank employee refuses to open an account. A PAN card has also become a very important document for paying tax.