Big news for Aadhaar and Voter card holders. To avoid election rigging, the central government is taking steps to connect voter IDs with Aadhaar cards. The Central Election Commission will operate within the framework of Article 326, the RP Act of 1950, and Supreme Court rulings to facilitate the linking of EPIC (Voter ID) with Aadhaar numbers. It’s important to note that linking your voter ID with Aadhaar is optional—you can choose to do it if you want. You can link them both online and offline. Here’s a simple guide on how to do it online.


How to link your voter ID to Aadhaar online:

Step 1: Start by visiting and complete your registration.


Step 2: Click on the Electoral Roll option on the homepage. Then, enter your voter ID details.


Step 3: On the right side, you’ll see an option to enter your Aadhaar number. Click on it and fill in the required details along with your EPIC number.


Step 4: You’ll receive an OTP on your registered mobile number or email.


Step 5: After entering the OTP, a notification will pop up on your screen confirming the linking of your Aadhaar and voter ID.


Linking Your Aadhaar Card to Voter ID via SMS


You can easily link your Aadhaar card to your Voter ID using SMS. Just open your messaging app and type the message in this format: ECILINK<SPACE>EPIC NO. OF VOTER IDCARD NO.<SPACE>AADHAR NO. Then send it to either 166 or 51969.


Linking Voter ID and Aadhaar Card by Phone Call


Another way to link your Aadhaar and Voter ID is by making a phone call. Simply dial 1950 between 10 am and 5 pm to complete the linking process.


Linking Voter ID and Aadhaar Offline


If you’re having trouble linking your Voter ID and Aadhaar online, you can do it offline as well. To link them offline, just submit an application to your booth level officer. Make sure to provide the necessary details in your application.