Aadhaar card: If you are an Aadhar card holder then this news can be special for you. Let us tell you that Aadhar card is working as a very important document at this time. Without Aadhar card, you cannot do any government and non-government work. If you go to open an account in the bank or go to buy a SIM card, then you need an Aadhar card.

At the same time, let us tell you that now you can get Aadhar card made for children from newborn to 12 years old. Along with this, you can also correct the mistakes in the Aadhar card. At present, this special facility is being given. For this, you will have to pay a fee of only Rs 50.

However, you can correct the mistakes in the Aadhar card by going to some selected post offices. At the same time, you can also take advantage of this facility sitting at home.

Actually, you can also call the postman home at this fee. The Post Office Department has also provided machines to every postman to make and correct Aadhar. They have been given CSC ID. A total of 535 Aadhaar centres have been established in Bihar.

Bihar Mandal Chief General Secretary Anil Kumar says that 535 Aadhaar centres have been established in Bihar. Apart from this, static centres are also working. Mobile centres are also being operated. Through mobile centres, camps can be organized to make Aadhaar in apartments, schools or any other place.

Errors in Aadhaar can be corrected

He has told that any person can get any kind of error in his Aadhaar card corrected in the camp. He has told that any kind of error in Aadhaar can also be corrected through the Indian Postal Payment Bank.

Aadhaar cards of people above this age will not be made through the Postal Chief General Secretary.

Also, people of any age group who already have an Aadhaar card will also be able to get any kind of correction done. Like name, address, mobile number etc. are doubled and called. For this, a fee of Rs 50 will be charged online or offline.