Big relief for PF account holder’s. When you switch jobs, it’s important to move your money from your old Provident Fund (PF) account to your new company’s account. This way, your PF balance stays in one place, making it easier to access later on. So, if you’ve recently changed jobs, make sure to transfer your funds from the old PF account to the new one. The good news is that the Employees’ Provident Fund Organization (EPFO) has made this whole process online, so you won’t need to visit their office.


To transfer your EPF money online, your Universal Account Number (UAN) must be activated on the UAN portal. Also, ensure that the mobile number linked to your UAN is active. Additionally, your bank account and IFSC code should be connected to your UAN, and your e-KYC needs to be approved by your employer.


Here’s how to transfer your money online:


1. Start by visiting the EPFO Unified Member Portal.

2. Log in using your UAN and password.

3. Navigate to the Online Services section and select One Member – One EPF Account (Transfer Request).

4. Verify your existing PF account details along with your personal information.

5. After confirming your PF account details, click on the Last PF Account Detail option.

6. Choose either Previous Employer or Current Employer to verify the form.

7. Hit the ‘Get OTP’ button to receive an OTP on your registered mobile number.

8. Enter the OTP and click submit. This will notify your employer about the EPF transfer.

9. Your employer will then approve your EPF transfer request through the unified portal’s employer interface.