2025 has arrived. Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath convened a meeting of the Road Safety Council on New Year’s Eve to address important road safety issues. During the discussion, he emphasized the need for awareness campaigns to educate the public about the importance of using seat belts and helmets, urging everyone to adopt these safety measures. He highlighted that adhering to safety standards is crucial for preventing accidents.


In the meeting, CM Yogi took a firm stance on repeated traffic violations, suggesting that licenses or permits for vehicles that frequently incur fines should be revoked. He also proposed linking road safety improvements to FASTag, which would allow automatic deduction of fines from drivers’ accounts.


Additionally, the Chief Minister stressed the importance of displaying road safety awareness hoardings. He directed that these hoardings, created by the Information, Transport, and Road Safety departments, should be prominently placed along roads. He called for awareness campaigns to be implemented across all 75 districts, 350 tehsils, and 1,500 police stations and municipal bodies.


Great news for devotees ahead of Mahakumbh! For the first time, FASTag technology will be implemented, making parking fee payments incredibly easy and automatic.


A modern parking experience – smart, quick, and user-friendly


With millions of devotees expected at Mahakumbh, the Prayagraj Mela Authority has set up 101 parking areas for their convenience. Among these, 9 parking lots are located close to the Sangam area, where FASTag-based automatic fee deduction will be available. The parking lots will be managed by the Delhi-based company “Park Plus,” and AI-powered cameras will be installed to facilitate vehicle entry and fee collection.


Simplifying the parking experience with FASTag


Devotees will no longer have to wait in line to pay for parking. The fees will be automatically deducted via FASTag, saving valuable time. However, two-wheelers will still need to pay their parking fees either in cash or online. This new system will not only streamline parking but also enhance the overall traffic management.

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