Indian Railway Ticket: On Diwali-Chhath, passengers do not get train seats. Especially when going to UP and Bihar, trains are crowded. It is difficult to get confirmed tickets on trains going to UP-Bihar. As soon as the ticket window opens four months in advance, all the tickets get booked quickly.

It is tough to get a confirmed seat. People take waiting tickets, hoping to get a seat during the journey, and the ticket may be confirmed. People cannot pack appropriately in this state of confusion about whether the waiting ticket will be confirmed. Let us tell you that there are some codes in the railway waiting for tickets; by decoding, you can determine whether your ticket will be confirmed.

People who wait for tickets on Diwali-Chhath and for their tickets to get confirmed longer need to take tension. Today, we will tell you about some such codes by looking at which you can guess whether your waiting ticket will be confirmed before the chart is made.

These codes of waiting tickets are handy

There are some codes in the railway waiting ticket. Which we often ignore, but these codes are handy. These codes help you understand the ticket a lot. However, these codes do not mean your waiting ticket will be confirmed. You will just be able to assess the possibility of confirmation.

Meaning of each code

1. If RLWL is written on your waiting ticket, it means Remote Location, Waiting List. In such a situation, the chances of a ticket getting confirmed are less.

2. If PQWL is written on the waiting ticket, it means Pooled Quota Waiting List. In such a situation, the chances of a ticket getting confirmed are less.

3. If GNWL is written on the ticket, it means General Waiting List. In such a case, the chances of the ticket getting confirmed are slightly higher.