Indiramma Women’s Empowerment Scheme: The Government of Telangana has launched a fresh initiative for women’s empowerment called the “Indiramma Mahila Shakti Yojana.” This program has been specifically created with the needs of women from the minority community in mind, enabling them to achieve self-sufficiency and enhance their family’s economic situation. Through this initiative, the government will offer women sewing machines at no cost, enabling them to begin sewing or tailoring jobs and attain financial independence.

Women from minority groups will be benefited by this scheme

Through this program, the government has made certain that women from the minority group, particularly those who are socially and economically disadvantaged, achieve financial independence. This will enhance their quality of life, allowing them to better provide for themselves and their families. In addition to this, the program will enhance women’s confidence, providing them with new job opportunities and allowing them to boost their earnings.

Sewing machine for free

Women will receive this sewing machine at no charge, allowing them to begin sewing activities on a small scale close to their home. Through this, women will not only have the ability to assist their family, but will also be able to enhance their position in society.

Who can apply?

To qualify, women need to possess a certificate proving their affiliation with a minority community, like a Muslim, Sikh, Buddhist, Jain, or Parsi community certificate. In addition to this, female candidates should possess documents such as a ration card (white ration card) and a food security card. In addition, the income threshold for women has also been established. This training will be offered by organizations connected to the Telangana State Minorities Finance Corporation (TSMFC). Only after this, will female candidates be able to take advantage of the scheme’s benefits.