PM Kisan Khad Yojana 2.0 Update: The Government of India has launched the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Khad Yojana for small and marginal farmers, enabling them to purchase quality manure and fertilizers to enhance crop production. The primary objective of this scheme is to double farmers’ income.

If you wish to benefit from PM Kisan Khad Yojana, you need to apply online. Eligible farmers will receive a subsidy from the government to spend on agricultural products. In this article, we will share all the details regarding this scheme.

About PM Kisan Khad Yojana 2024

The Pradhan Mantri Kisan Khad Yojana has been launched by the central government, providing subsidies of up to 50% to eligible farmers for purchasing manure and fertilizers. Under this scheme, farmers can receive a subsidy of up to ₹11,000.

The subsidy is provided in two instalments. The first instalment offers ₹6,000, while the second instalment provides ₹5,000, which is directly transferred to the farmer’s bank account by the government. By benefiting from this scheme, farmers can acquire fertilizers and high-quality seeds at reduced prices, leading to improved profits with lower costs.

PM Kisan Khad Yojana Objective

The main objective of the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Khad Yojana is to boost crop production in India. The government offers a subsidy of up to 50% to farmers for purchasing manure or fertilizers. This initiative aims to double crop production and increase farmers’ income.

Benefits of PM Kisan Khad Yojana

Under the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Khad Yojana, the government provides a maximum subsidy of ₹11,000. This subsidy is paid in two instalments: ₹6,000 in the first instalment and ₹5,000 in the second instalment. The scheme is designed to help farmers increase their income. By improving crop production, it is expected that farmers will experience enhanced livelihoods and a better quality of life.

PM Kisan Khad Yojana Eligibility

To benefit from the PM Kisan Khad Yojana, the farmer must meet the following criteria:

  • The farmer must be a resident of India.
  • The annual income of the applying farmer should not exceed ₹4,00,000.
  • The scheme is targeted at small and marginal farmers.
  • It is designed for farmers who cannot afford good seeds due to financial constraints, to increase their income by improving crop production.

Required Documents for PM Kisan Khad Yojana

  1. The Aadhaar card of the applicant
  2. Receipt of purchased seeds
  3. Domicile certificate
  4. Ration card
  5. Bank account information
  6. Farm-related documents such as Khasra and Khatauni
  7. Mobile number

PM Kisan Khad Yojana Online Registration Process

  • Visit the official website of PM Kisan Khad Yojana.
  • Select the option for the Fertilizer Subsidy Scheme.
  • A registration form will appear. Fill in your details such as name, income, address, and land-related information.
  • Scan and upload the required documents.
  • Upload the receipt for the seeds purchased.
  • Enter your mobile number, complete the captcha, and submit the form.

For any issues or queries related to the scheme, you can contact the toll-free helpline number: 011-23740714.