Another big update for Aadhaar Card holder’s. The Aadhaar card is a unique identity for every citizen in India, featuring a 12-digit number. It includes biometric information, a photo, and your name and address. Sometimes, there might be errors in the name or address on the Aadhaar card, and if you move to a new home, you’ll need to update your Aadhaar details.
You can change your Aadhaar address both online and offline through UIDAI. While biometric details need to be updated at an Aadhaar Registration Center, you can update your address without visiting a center.
To change your Aadhaar address online, head over to the myAadhaar portal. UIDAI recommends updating your Aadhaar information every 10 years.
Here’s how to update your Aadhaar card:
Step 1: Log in to the myAadhaar portal using your Aadhaar number, captcha code, and OTP.
Step 2: Once logged in, click on the ‘Address Update’ tab.
Step 3: In the next section, select ‘Aadhaar online update.’
Step 4: Read through the guidelines and hit the ‘Proceed’ button to start the update.
Step 5: Choose your address and click on ‘Update Aadhaar.’
Step 6: Fill in your current address in the online form. Scroll down to enter your father’s or husband’s name in the ‘Care of’ section, then input your new address. Select your nearest post office and upload the required documents.
Step 7: Double-check all your details, then select the payment option and pay Rs 50. After that, you’ll receive an SRN number.
Documents you might need include:
– Passport
– Bank statement (passbook or post office account statement)
– Ration Card
– Voter ID
– Disability Card
– MNREGA or NREGA Job Card
– Utility bills (electricity, water, gas, telephone)
– Insurance policy
– Property tax receipt
According to UIDAI, it can take up to 30 days to process your Aadhaar address change. After you submit your application, you’ll get updates on the status.