Lado Lakshmi Yojana: Lado Lakshmi Yojana has been started in the state through the Haryana government, the benefit of which will be given to the women and daughters of the poor of the state, under this scheme they will be given an amount of ₹ 21000.

In order to receive financial assistance, if you reside in Haryana and are below the poverty line, you can apply for financial help from the government under the Lado Lakshmi Yojana.

In today’s article, we will provide you with comprehensive information about Haryana. Lado Lakshmi Yojana, everyone knows that you can get financial help from the government by applying under Lado Lakshmi Yojana, so in today’s article we will give you complete information about Haryana Lado Lakshmi Yojana –

Lado Lakshmi Yojana 2024

Lado Lakshmi Yojana is an important scheme started by the Haryana government, under which women and girls living below the poverty line of the state will be given an amount of ₹ 21000 so that with that money women and daughters can fulfill their education, health and all other types of needs. The main goal of the scheme is to bring change in their economic and social life.

 Lado Lakshmi Yojana Eligibility

It is necessary to be a permanent resident of Haryana state

Annual family Income should not exceed the limit prescribed by the government
The age of the applicant should not be more than 18 years
If the applicant is taking advantage of any other government scheme, then he will not get the benefit of the scheme.

 Lado Lakshmi Yojana Documents 

To avail the benefits under this scheme, the following types of necessary documents will have to be given, the details of which we are giving you below
Aadhar Card
Family Identity Card (PPP)
Bank Account Details
Haryana Residence Certificate
Income Certificate
Passport Size Photo

Lado Lakshmi Yojana Application Process

To apply under Lado Lakshmi Yojana, you have to go to the official portal, where you have to click on the option of the scheme. The application form will open in front of you, where you have to enter the details of the information asked and upload all kinds of important documents. After that, at the end, you will submit your application. In this way you can apply under Haryana Lado Lakshmi Yojana.
Official website: click here