People got a mega surprise from LIC. Now LIC launches another scheme. Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) has brought insurance policies for every category. Now AEIC has taken out a special scheme for women. The special feature of this scheme is that women get money every month in it. By the way, this scheme has been started by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. We will tell you about this plan below. The name of this scheme is Bima Sakhi Yojana. This scheme has been launched with the aim of empowering women.


What is Bima Sakhi Yojana?


The Bima Sakhi scheme aims to cover 100,000 Bima Sakhis within a year. Through this scheme, rural women will become insurance agents. LIC’s Bima Sakhi scheme is giving women an opportunity to earn on one hand. On the other hand, it will help in increasing awareness about insurance. This scheme will also make insurance accessible to the deprived areas of India.


The goal of this scheme of LIC is to empower women as well as to provide employment to women. This includes women who are between 18 and 70 years of age and have at least passed class 10. LIC has set a target of listing 100,000 Bima Sakhis in 1 year and 200,000 Bima Sakhis in three years.


What is the specialty of the scheme?


The Sakhi involved in this scheme will get a commission on selling the policy. Apart from this, in the first three years, it will get a fixed stipend. LIC women will get a salary of Rs 7,000 initially. In the first year, you will get Rs 7,000 every month, then in the second year, this amount will be Rs 6,000.


Similarly, in the third year, this amount will be Rs 5,000. If a woman meets the target, she will also get an extra commission. At the beginning of the scheme, women will also get special training and financial education for three years.

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