The Mahayuti coalition government of the Shiv Sena-BJP-NCP in Maharashtra launched the Mukhyamantri Ladki Bahin Yojana from the month of July. More than 2 crore women of the state are getting the benefit of this. Rs 1500 is being deposited every month in the bank account of the beneficiary women of the Ladki Bahin Scheme. This can soon be increased to Rs 2100 per month.
Ladki Bahin Yojana scheme
The state government made advance payment of the fifth installment of this scheme even before the code of conduct came into force. Due to this, the beneficiary women are now waiting for the next installment of the Ladli Behna Yojana i.e. the sixth installment.
The beneficiary women of the Ladki Ladki Bahin Yojana have been paid the installment from July to November. Now the women are waiting for the next December installment. Meanwhile, Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis has taken a big decision. This can increase the tension of many beloved sisters. Because the state government will now examine the applications received for the scheme. In which many women’s forms can be rejected.
BJP leader and former minister Sudhir Mungantiwar has reacted to the girl child scheme. Also, Sudhir Mungantiwar has said that the December week of the girl sister scheme will be available in the next two to three days.
What did Sudhir Mungantiwar say?
“Now the government has been formed, the government is doing a very good job. The cabinet will be expanded soon. A cabinet meeting will be held soon after the cabinet expansion. Nothing to worry about. All departments are doing their job. Good decisions are being made. Now, we will also get the instalments in the next two to three days. There is no problem anywhere,” Mungantiwar said.
Will the applications of beloved sisters be scrutinised?
There is talk that the government will give a twist to the ‘Chief Minister My Dear Sister’ scheme, which will ‘turn’ the assembly election results. Complaints have been received that women with an annual income of more than Rs 2.5 lakh and four-wheelers in their homes are also taking advantage of the scheme and now the applications of the beneficiary women of the Ladki Sister Scheme will be scrutinised. There is talk that applications will be rejected illegally after scrutiny. However, Aditi Tatkare has said that such scrutiny will actually take place.