Most of the people in India earn their living by doing labour. That is why the central government has taken a very big decision in the interest of the workers. From November 1, 2024, the new minimum wage rate has come into effect for all workers.

This will benefit lakhs of workers and their salaries will also increase. After this, these workers will not have to face much inflation. Let us know what minimum wage has been fixed by the government and when this rule is going to be implemented.

What is the minimum wage

The minimum wage is the amount given to the employees by the company or employer. The minimum wage is fixed so that no company or employer can exploit the employees and they can get enough money to live. The minimum wage has been fixed from time to time under the Indian Minimum Wages Act 1948.

What is the new minimum wage rate

According to the minimum wage, the government has divided the workers into three different sectors called A, B, and C sectors. This sector has the highest-paid workers. At the same time, this sector has the lowest-paid workers. Let us know what new minimum wage has been fixed by the government.

Sector Unskilled (₹/day) Semi-skilled (₹/day) Skilled (₹/day) Highly Skilled (₹/day)

A                             783             868                             954                          1,035

B                             655             739                             868                             954

C                             526             616                              739                             868


Who will get the benefit?

After the minimum wage is fixed, various types of workers doing construction work, cleaning and sanitation work, loading and unloading work, mining, agriculture and security guard-related work or clerk work in the office are going to benefit a lot. After this, your minimum salary will increase and no company or employer will be able to exploit you.

How is the minimum wage rate decided

The responsibility of deciding the minimum wage lies with the Central Government and the State Government. The minimum wage rate is decided on the basis of the current inflation rate, the state of the economy, and the needs of the workers. For this, the Variable Dearness Allowance is reviewed every 6 months, only then the minimum wage is decided.

What will happen if someone does not pay the minimum wage

If a company and employer do not pay you the minimum wage, then due to this, if the mistake happens for the first time, a fine of ₹ 500 will have to be paid. If the mistake happens again, then a fine of up to ₹ 1000 and 6 months imprisonment can be done. If such a mistake happens for the third time, then the company and the employer can be imprisoned for up to 1 year.