In today’s time, many people are very worried about their electricity bills, so let us tell them that now there is no need to worry because a new rule has been implemented by the government.

After this, you do not need to worry about the electricity bill at all. The stress of the electricity bill is now going to be away from you forever.

Paying their electricity bills has become a compulsion for people because in today’s time life is meaningless without electricity.

Now the electricity department also does not give electricity to those who do not pay the electricity bill and the connection is disconnected.

Smart meters are being installed

Now in many states of the country, those old electricity meters are being removed by the electricity department and new smart meters are being installed in their place.

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The new smart meter has an automatic system in which you have to recharge. Now you will have to pay the bill as much as the electricity you use.

When smart meters are installed all over the country, customers will not be able to use any kind of ninja technique to cheat on electricity bills.

Apart from this, let us tell you that whenever you do not use electricity from the smart meter, you will not have to pay any money.

Electricity bill is also being waived

The government has now started the electricity bill waiver scheme in many states of the country, through which the government is taking up the outstanding electricity bills of the people and consumers do not have to pay any bill.

The government is also making 200 units of electricity free in the country, which will give a lot of relief to those people who use less than 200 units of electricity per month. If you use more electricity than this, then only you will have to pay the electricity bill.

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Surya Ghar Yojana will also come in handy

The government is giving 300 units of electricity free to the people every day through its new scheme Surya Ghar Free Electricity Scheme, by taking advantage of which you can finish the electricity bill of your house.

For this, when you get solar panels installed, the government is also going to give you the benefit of a subsidy on it.

In some states, the state government is also giving subsidies on this scheme, due to which solar panels are being installed for free in those states.

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