Paper Cup Plate Making Business: When we step out of our homes and buy tea from any stall or purchase any food or drink item, it is served to us in a paper cup or paper plate. Over time, the demand for paper cups and paper plates has been increasing rapidly. If you want to invest once in a business that is always profitable and never incurs losses, then you can set up a paper cup plate manufacturing unit.

For less educated youth, this business is nothing less than a boon. Although it requires some investment, it provides excellent long-term profits. If you want, you can even start this as your permanent career.

Paper Cup Plate Demand

If you check the market demand for paper cups and plates, you will find that there is no limit to it. These are products used everywhere, whether in weddings, functions, or different types of food stalls.

At roadside food stalls, paper cups and plates are widely used. Seeing this, if you set up a manufacturing unit, you can start their production and business.

Raw Material for Paper Cup Plate Making

If you want to start paper cup plate making, you will need raw materials. These materials can be purchased both online and offline. Here, you will need to buy Paper reel, Bottom reel, Hard reel. These are the most important raw materials for making paper cups and plates.

When you purchase paper rolls from the market, you will get them for approximately ₹100 per kg, while bottom reels cost around ₹90 per kg. However, depending on location and quality, prices may vary.

Investment for Paper Cup Plate Business

If you want to start this business from home, then you will need to invest ₹500000 to ₹700000. If you want to set up this business at a factory level, then the investment required will be around ₹1000000 to ₹1500000.

You need to choose the right location and start your business. Since this business does not cause any pollution, you will not face any major problems in starting it.

Earnings from Paper Cup Plate Business

If your manufacturing unit produces 100000 paper cups and plates per month, then your net profit will be ₹30000 to ₹40000. If you double the production, then you can earn up to ₹80000 per month.